Fenugreek is a native of South Eastern Europe and West Asia, now cultivated in India, Argentina, Egypt and Mediterranean countries (Southern France, Morocco and Lebanon). India is the largest producer of Fenugreek in the world. Indian Fenugreek are consumed in over 50 countries. Alone India Contributes 14.9 % to world export. India export Fenugreek seed (HS CODE 09109912) About 50 countries.
It’s called çemen tohumları in turkey, budhur alhalba in Saudi arebia, fenegriek sade in south Africa, graines de fenugrec in French, fenegriekzaden in dutch. methi in Hindi, Oriya, Bengali, Punjabi and Urdu languages, as methya in Marathi, menthya in Kannada, vendayam or Venthayam in Tamil, menthulu in Telugu, uluva in Malayalam.
Nutrition facts for Fenugreek
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 3 grams
Carbs: 6 grams
Fat: 1 gram
Iron: 20% of the Daily Value (DV)
Manganese: 7% of the DV
Uses of the Fenugreek
Fenugreek is used both food and food additive as spice it flavors food
As well as it is used in medicines
Fenugreek extract is used as flovaring agent in syrup.
Fenugreek oil is used in hair tonic
Seeds are used colic flatulence,dysentery,diarrhoea ,cough,enlargement of liver,gout and diabetes.